Cannexus 2021 - Creating Sustainable Career Development Services: Blending Online & F2F Delivery

About the Event

Location: Online Conference

Date: January 25, 2021

Time: 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm


COVID-19 required the careers sector to respond rapidly in how we reach and serve our clients. Now, months after this initial response, we have an opportunity to consider how our learnings from embracing remote and virtual services can combine with face-to-face (F2F) delivery to create a viable and more sustainable delivery model. In this session, Tannis Goddard will review evidence-based opportunities for creating and delivering blended services that incorporate multiple forms of communication and connection.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn how to effectively facilitate online career practice relationships

  • Consider the ethical factors and implications for online services

  • Establish sustainability goals and strategies for virtual/blended services


Cannexus 2022 - Multi-modal Career Service: Seizing a Transformational Opportunity


Remote Services: Career Development Practice in Unprecedented Times