Cannexus 2018 - Expand Your Reach with Online Career Services

About the Event

Location: Ottawa, Canada

Date: January 23, 2018

Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Are you grappling with ways to extend your career services online? This session, presented by Tannis Goddard, will explore the design and delivery of client-centred, engaging, interactive online career interventions. Learn key principles (based on the presenter’s PhD research) and see examples of online services. You will have the opportunity to engage in a design lab to apply these principles to real-life service scenarios.

Learning outcomes:

  • Recognize the application of timeless career theories to the online format

  • Explore ideas for creating a mattering climate online

  • Design a solution to a real-world service delivery scenario

Cannexus is Canada’s largest conference for career counsellors, career development professionals, and the career services sector - more than 1,000 participants from across Canada and internationally are expected to Ottawa every year. The conference is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovative approaches in the areas of career counselling and career development.



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